Our incredibly thorough Lineage Monographs and Autosomal Reports chronicle every bit of useful information and interesting detail, showing you the meaning of your DNA test results step-by-step.
They include support from images and clear text explanations — we like to call it a storybook of how you came to be. Our personalized Autosomal Reports show you all of your geo-ethnic components and explain their significance.
We go far beyond simply ‘translating’ the results of a genetic testing company, which uses only one algorithm to analyze you, often missing or confusing components. With up to 32 algorithms, we reveal the accurate ethnicities of your ancestors, and the role they played in your story.
We offer these Monographs and Reports in either PDF form or full-color book form, which makes the perfect tool for your own enjoyment and research. Or the perfect gift for any person who has an interest in family history.
Footsteps of Ancestors Monographs are for those who have had mtDNA or Y-DNA (direct lineage) testing and want to better understand their results. If a person or family has had both types of testing, more than one Monograph can be ordered. Direct lineage genetic testing is very powerful, showing us new insights about recent genealogy and also peering deep back into time. What do your results truly and fully mean? Let us show you.
Our Monographs are also for people who want to understand more about their lineage history. They are a good idea even if a family already has a great deal of genealogy known. The research behind our Monographs always reveals something new — interesting details and useful information. What was your lineage doing hundreds of years ago? Thousands? We can show and tell you.
Likewise, if a family knows next to nothing about their history, a Monograph can still be written. We will work with you, using the information you already have, no matter how little, to customize a detailed Monograph for you. Footsteps of Ancestors Monographs are an excellent way to learn much more about your family. The Monograph itself becomes an heirloom of sorts; it is the story, in depth, of one of the lineages leading to you.
Autosomal Reports are for people who have had Autosomal (regular gene) DNA testing. Our personalized Autosomal Reports — the RealYou — reveal all of your geo-ethnic components and explain their significance. They also explain how these components came to be, why they are present. No one else does this. Why is one or another ethnicity part of the mixture that is you? What is the history which explains how this could come to be? We explain this, and clearly.
However, we go far beyond simply 'translating' the results of a genetic testing company, which use only one single algorithm (computer program for detection) to analyze your DNA. When only using one algorithm, components are often missed or confused. This is because every algorithm has strengths and weaknesses, looking for different components and patterns. Do you have any false positives in your ethnic results from another company? Or, were you and your family expecting a component which seems to be missing.
At Footsteps of Ancestors, we work with up to 32 algorithms. This creates a much more accurate picture of your and your ancestors' ethnicities. And, we explain the role and reasoning these ethnic identities played in the story of you and your family — how they came about and why they are there.
Footsteps of Ancestors offers three levels of direct lineage Monographs — Clarity, Savvy, and Mastery, and the RealYou Autosomal Report.
Clarity monographs are a great start and make genetic testing truly worth the money and effort. The main portion of Clarity monographs are what we call Deep Roots — this is the full story of a lineage, peering back with great clarity many years and generations.
The Savvy level builds upon your Deep Roots, with more customized detail, including the stories and variants behind your family's surnames. Each name has a history itself and is tied to the deeper history of your family lines in revealing and often surprising ways.
If you have any questions about our offerings, check out our frequently asked questions (FAQs) page. We've listened to the most common questions our customers have asked us and provided detailed answers for the same.
Still have questions? Reach out to us directly and we are happy to answer them for you.